Tips & Tricks: Web Server Settings for Web Application Projects now can be stored per user as well as per projectProgramming 2008. 12. 15. 11:17
Web server settings, which are accessible inside Web Application Projects (WAPs) property pages (Web section) allow you to specify settings associated to to Visual Studio Development Server or IIS. Many a times in a team development environment it is preferred that these settings are shared across the teams providing consistency; at the same time many other teams prefer that these settings be de..
[ Silverlight ] DeepZoom 강좌 2. 실버라이트의 <MultiScaleImage> 컨트롤 사용보호글 2008. 12. 14. 23:34
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[ Silverlight ] DeepZoom 강좌 1. Deep Zoom Composer를 이용하여 .sdi 파일 만들기보호글 2008. 12. 14. 23:33
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